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About Us

We are a non-profit organization dedicated to research and education in the area of ​​scientific parapsychology. We seek to study various paranormal phenomena from a scientific and objective approach, within a framework of respect and friendship. We focus on theoretical research and controlled experimentation to eventually publish results and conclusions following a methodology that has scientific veracity, providing resources to the community of paranormal researchers and the general public to reach a deeper understanding of these phenomena. . Among the areas we investigate are parapsychology and the paranormal, noetic sciences and other anomalous phenomena.


To study paranormal phenomena from a scientific and objective approach, to transmit that knowledge to people, whether they know about the subject or not, and clarify any doubts they may have about these topics. Most phenomena have a rational explanation and we want to help people who have difficulties with paranormal or unknown matters.


To establish a society with people who want to study these topics in depth, so that both paranormal researchers and the general public can enrich themselves with knowledge to have a more critical and objective vision when studying or researching these phenomena and that they do not be fooled by false or contaminated evidence.


• Validate and refute hypotheses related to paranormal phenomena using the scientific method.

• Evaluate different investigative methods taking a criterion regarding them.

• Investigate the reality of the paranormal phenomenon in Costa Rica.

• Study literature on the paranormal, the latest hypotheses, books, articles, etc.

• Present and publish research results.

• Present new hypotheses about the paranormal phenomenon.

• Give courses and talks on the paranormal topic.

• Be an informative medium for people to learn about the paranormal phenomenon.

Our Team

Isela Madriz L. Founder and Director

Isela Madriz L. Founder and Director

Position: Investigator, researcher and educator in the field of Parapsychology.

Professional Profile: I am a researcher and an investigator of anomalous and paranormal phenomena. For over eleven years I have dedicated time to help people having problems related to those subjects from a critical and objective approach, using Parapsychology to explain this phenomena. My objective is to make parapsychological information available in Spanish, educating, translating articles and publishing our own investigations through our organization. I’m also a Dentist and run my private practice in San Jose, Costa Rica.

Experience: -Paranormal Investigator with Grupo Hades Costa Rica since 2012. (TAPS Family) -Co-Director of Grupo Hades CR since 2020. -Founder & Director of the Costa Rican Society for Parapsychological and Paranormal Studies

Studies: Doctor in Dental Surgery – Latin University of Costa Rica (2006) Parapsychology course at the University of Edinburgh, Scotland. (2023) (Koestler Parapsychology Unit) Parapsicología científica y Psicología Paranormal, University of Recoleta, Chile – Prof: Ubaldo Pino (2023). Talleres de Parapsicología, Mediumnidad e Instrumentos de comunicación con Juan Manuel Garcia

Memberships: -Associate Member of the Parapsychological Association (2024) - Member of CPRI (Center for Paranormal Research and Investigation) (2021) - Member of ASSAP (Association for the Scientific Study of Anomalous Phenomena. (2022) - Member of The Atlantic Paranormal Society (TAPS Family) (2020) - Founding Member of the Sociedad de Estudios Parapsicologicos y Paranormales de Costa Rica (2021)

Lectures & Interviews: Madriz,I. (2023) Application of parapsychological concepts in paranormal investigation. Liberia & San José, CR (SEPPCR Educational Program). Madriz,I. (2023) Residual energy and EVP´S (Online Lecture - SEPPCR). Madriz,I. (2023) Paranormal Studies: Between Parapsychology and Science - Lecture at the Pagan Festival, San José CR. Madriz,I. (2022) Introduction to Parapsychology (SEPPCR Educational Program). Madriz,I (2023) ¿What is Parapsychology? Channel 5 Interview with Luis Diego Díjeres. Madriz,I (2023) ¿What are Mediums? Channel 5 Interview with Luis Diego Díjeres.

Publications: Madriz, I. (2022) “Diagnostico Paranormal- Del Relato Cotidiano a la Investigación del Fenómeno Paranormal en Costa Rica”. Editorial Fruit Salad Shaker. Primera Edición.

Mariela Navarro - Sub director

Mariela Navarro - Sub director

Position: Researcher and consultant from the energetic-spiritual approach

About her: She is the owner of Casa de las Lunas - Magical, Wiccan and tarot reader shop with more than 20 years of experience.

Education: Reikist Level II - Energy Therapist - Guardian of the Light of Hecate - Maiku Guide - Dedicated to the first level of Priesthood of the Nativist Correllian Tradition - Classical - Parapsichology and Mediumship courses with Juan Manuel García. Philologist from the University of Costa Rica.

Luis Diego Díjeres - Psychologist PNL

Luis Diego Díjeres - Psychologist PNL

Position Psychology advisor, investigator and comunicator.

Experience: ● UNIVERSIDAD LIBRE DE COSTA RICA Professor of Psychology ● UNIVERSIDAD TECNICA NACIONAL Professor of Psychology ● LUIS DIEGO DIJERES OFFICE — Neurolinguistic Programmer

Education: -Licensed Master in Neurolinguistic Programming -Lic. Clinical Psychology -Diploma in Business Management -Sex Coach -Strategic and Leadership Coach -Diploma in Ericksonian Hypnosis and Strategic Therapy -Master in Clinical Hypnosis and Relaxation -Specialist in Restorative Clinical Hypnosis -Specialist in Regressive Hypnosis

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